Sunday, October 16, 2011

Lets Give Them Something to Talk About....

Dissertations are long... really, really long... Mainly because the researcher (that's ME!) has spent extensive time exploring a specific topic wherein a problem lies and then, implements a solution of some kind which may or may not work.

For my dissertation, the problem statement focuses on low standardized test scores.  Students across my state fail these tests.  Over 50% of the students who take the state-mandated end-of-course exam in US History fail.  This is unacceptable.  The exam counts 20% of their final grade for the course. Failing the exam causes students to fail the course in some cases. My dissertation will focus on a program implemented to address this issue. My problem statement is simple. 

50% of 11th grade high school social studies students perform below required academic achievement levels as measured by high stakes standardized testing.

What do you think??


  1. Good Tracy! For purposes of the assignment, refrain from starting off the sentence with a number. Instead state as Half of 11th grade... Then in your background/justification section you can use the 50% as your data to support the existence of the problem (or the exact number if it is slightly different).

  2. I think its because they don't have THE State of South Carolina Social Studies TOTY teaching them!!!!

  3. Thanks! I'll make that change, and Meg, my students numbers are higher but the passage rate is still lower than I would want it to be. :)
